Note: this blog was initially posted on my other site,
Dogeared Librarian, on 10
th August 2011, and prompted the creation of this blog to indulge my geekier blog topics (which are likely to still dovetail with libraries and information-related topics). It is reproduced here mostly to provide content until I have other topics to post on!
I've decided to do the odd post of non-library-related bits and bobs which crop up via RSS and wandering the geekier corners of the web; some may term the criteria 'random', but I hate that word due to its ubiquity and mis-use during sixth form and beyond. Let's instead stump for 'curated eclecticism'. The content of this post is a bit of a hinterland, actually, as several lead me back to library-related issues. Hey-ho.
Click for bigger (mildly NSFW?); this image edited to remove sweariness |
I'm working through a bit of a Dr. Seuss thing at the moment, as well as entering a new phase of animosity with Digital Rights Management (struggling to articulate the limitations on Kindle purchases, why members of the same family cannot swap ebooks between accounts, and why the public-domain ebooks added to their Kindles out-of-store do not abide by the same rules). Actually, I have no issues with the DRM on Diablo III and accept their justification for 'always-online' is not wholly related to piracy, though others have made the valid point that this will heavily restrict the mod community which kept its predecessor current for several years after its release. (
Virtual Shackles)
It took me longer than I care to admit to work out what this strip was saying, but now it seems painfully obvious; also, why aren't I using passwords I can doodle?! Other password solutions are available. (
An article on io9 yonks ago (over a year; just shows how backed-up my RSS was!) talked to a bunch of TV writers (with a SFF skew) about the experience of working in a writers room. I've found it fascinating so far, and I haven't actually finished it. Full disclosure: Russell T. Davies is not involved, but none of those interviewed does such a bad-ass lion impression. (
How I would love this to be so; sadly, the Northern Doctor is very unlikely to be popping back for the 50th anniversary. I strongly encourage clicking through to read the Disc synopsis; Cam has done a beautiful job of aping the features which appear on Classic DW DVD releases. (
Blogtor Who)
Because Narwhals are like a cross between unicorns and dolphins, and played a key part in one of the Futurama features. On a similar not, I also like giraffes more now I understand that they are 'basically just land space whales' who can be harpooned by Chinese Martian grad students. (
This is not (just) nonsensical gibberish)